walk away with

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walk away with

更新时间:2024-06-11 02:06:15

英 [wɔ:k əˈwei wið]

美 [wɔk əˈwe wɪð]

walk away with基本解释



  • 网络解释


1. 顺手拿走 偷走 拐逃:ocean dumping 海洋倾弃 | walk away with 顺手拿走 偷走 拐逃 | psychological clinic 心理诊疗所

2. 顺手牵羊:have itching palms;手发痒 | walk away with;顺手牵羊 | crack down on;制裁

3. 偷走,抢走:205. wake up 醒来 | 206. walk away with 偷走,抢走 | 207. walk past走过

4. 轻易获胜,轻易赢得;顺手带走,偷走:5553walkn. 散步,步行; v. 走路 | 5554walk away with轻易获胜,轻易赢得;顺手带走,偷走 | 5555walk out(因不满而)突然退出,离开,罢工

  • 临近词
The only problem is getting the information down from the whiteboard so people can walk away with it.(唯一的问题是搜集信息下了白板,这样大家就可以走了。)
But you'll have done so with dignity, instead of disgrace - allowing you to walk away with your head held high.(但是你应该因为你高尚和高贵去这样做,而不是耻辱,让你自己昂这头转身离开。)
Enter our competition and you could walk away with $10,000.(参加我们的竞赛,你就可以轻松赢得$10000。)
Really put your best into it and see if you don’t walk away with a higher number of truly great ideas.(看看你是否能够真正开动脑子发现一些更棒的创意。)
I want people to walk away with a plan to try something new that will help them advance their careers.(我希望,人们离开会场时,脑子里能形成一个计划,打算尝试一些新事物,以不断推进其职业生涯。)
It would be important to walk away with one thought about all this. With the tax so high, tips were already included.(所以说更重要的是改变你对这一切所持观点,包括高税额及小费在内。)
Rhodes is thrilled to walk away with checks totaling $5,100.(Rhodes激动的拿着总共5100美元的支票离开。)
Yet some executives will still walk away with large paychecks.(不过一些高管仍将带着丰厚的报酬离开。)
No, I didn't walk away with a lover, but I now have a friend who is dear to my heart.(不,我没有得到一个情人,但我现在有一个朋友,是我十分重视的。)
Agree. We actually had a shot to walk away with a win but Tmac handed the game to Suns.(同意,我们实际上可以胜利的,但是麦迪把胜利拱手送给太阳,第三节的防守很出色。)
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